Open Call

DongGang International Photo Festival 2024

This competition aims to take a closer look at the existential boundaries and lives of humans from an ecosystem perspective, focusing on highlighting our interconnectedness. It is our hope that the beautiful relationship between humans and nature, expressed through photography, will come to fruition and be manifested on a greater scale.

From nature's perspective, humanity itself is a form of hell. That is because of the tendency of humans to objectify and judge everything according to their own standards, thereby ignoring the natural world's intrinsic order. This one-sided disregard for the non-human elements around us is another form of disconnection and isolation, which can be seen as a definition of hell. Despite this, nature maintains a remarkable selflessness. It is driven solely by the instinct for survival, unmoved by human perspectives. To humans, nature’s struggle for survival seems unforgiving akin to the concept of hell. What if we shifted our perspective to see nature from its own vantage point and cultivated an attitude in harmony with it? Then, we would realize that nature has never been hellish, not for an instant. 

31 May 2024

Individuals and collectives are welcome to apply;
individuals should submit between 8 - 12 photographs from a particular series or body of work.

Selected 15 - 20 artists including ‘Artist of the year’ (individual artist or 1 team of winner) will benefit from:
A-year-long exhibition that exposures at the DIPF Festival - inclusion in art magazine, any related press (long term festival representation and promotion on official website, publications, catalog that being seen by a substantial number of visual arts professionals and the media) where the works viewed by an international panel of influential experts in the field of photography

* 'Artist of the year' - solo exhibition at DIPF (production - printing, framing or related presentation material will be provided) and eligible for travel and accommodation to attend the opening.