Ibsen Observatory - Egg + Chimney + Staircase
Ibsen Observatory - Egg + Chimney + Staircase
Ontwerpvoorstel voor een kunstwerk/paviljoen ter gelegenheid van de 200ste geboortedatum van Henrik Ibsen (1828 - 1906, Noors toneelschrijver en dichter) - Skien, Noorwegen:
EGG – CHIMNEY – STAIRCASE – IBSEN observatory - Black and White image reflecting.
The IBSEN Observatory invites the visitors and viewers to reset their visual vocabulary. The EGG is constructed as an eventhall for the Skien and Telemarken Community. Seen from outside the IBSEN Observatory is built in black and white materials, and even the reflections of the exterior egg form wil be without color and reduced to grey-scale: This visual anomaly resets our observation preassumptions to rethink and re-view what we really see and observe.
The Chimney will also be built in black and white/greyscale bricks and is as a verbal concept questioned in its 19th century function: via the staircase, visitors can enter the chimney and climb a spiral staircase from inside to a view over the city and its environment on different levels up to 30meters above ground level.

Christophe Denys
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Ontwerp: Studio Mast | Website: eps en kaas