Mies Van Roy over dit werk: ''Unhomed' spotte ik in 2019 op de eindejaarstentoonstelling van LUCA Brussel en is me bijgebleven. Voor mij is het een intrigerend beeld dat documentair aandoet en sterk is in zijn eenvoud en esthetiek. Het fascineert me omdat het me laat fantaseren over het verhaal erachter.'
When I wander around cities that I have not visited before, my thoughts get entangled with details that skip my eyes even in my hometowns. And it is at that moment when I embark on an intense journey of observation. Walking in the streets of Europe as a newcomer, my eyes began to follow objects that seemed left behind. Belongings which seemed to have been forgotten on streets. In reflection, I discovered, beneath this returning occurrence, a mutual condition between myself and my photograph subjects; a sense of displacement and lack of belonging. In the form of an ever-growing archive, the project has become a collective portrait of outcast often melancholic artefacts. My irrational solidarity with these objects has become the driving force of a worldwide search for belongings which appear misplaced, disowned or positioned out of sight.
Film: Edited footage of day to day travels in Belgium, 2019
Sound: Recorded conversation in a public taxi in Tehran, 2018
Duration: 4′ 20″

Sepideh Farvardin
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Ontwerp: Studio Mast | Website: eps en kaas