Prime Panic

Prime Panic

I just started abstract painting. Previously I was not open to this at all. My attitude towards this style has changed completely because I understand better when a painting is really good: that is not necessarily in the perfect and detailed representation of a subject, but rather in conveying a feeling. With abstract work you bring that feeling without the support of a recognizable form. If it is a good painting, you will continue to look and determine the subject and the value yourself.

This is the first abstract painting that I made and I am super excited about it. The mix of soft and bright colors, thick and thin paint make it an interesting work of art. The color, the tension, mystery and inconsistencies in how people experience it ... it's all there!

Daphne Schrijver

Daphne Schrijver


Daphne Schrijver
Daphne Schrijver
Daphne Schrijver