Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing

A Self-portrait Series

As a child our relationship with our caretakers profoundly influences our adult relationships. Through them we learn how to 'be' in relationships and what to expect from partners when we grow up. Most adults have 'inner child wounds'. In its healthy state the inner child deals with innocence, creativity and playfulness. Yet, during our upbringing we often have learned to take responsibility for situations we were not supposed to be responsible for. When situations like these get triggered again in our adult life, the inner child gets scared. Fearing that when we do something wrong others will not pay attention to our care. They might become angry with us and take their love away. When the inner child is upset, you will notice unconscious self-sabotage, irrational behaviors and strong emotions coming to the fore. It is crucial to talk to your inner child to see what it needs to heal the wounds and resolve the misunderstandings.

80x60 cm
Sofie A.F. De Smet

Sofie A.F. De Smet


Sofie A.F. De Smet
Sofie A.F. De Smet
Sofie A.F. De Smet
Sofie A.F. De Smet