Open Call

Blikkenwerpers 2024: Borders

Are you a creative mind looking for a place to experiment? Take part in Blikkenwerpers, a participatory art project for and by young people aged 18 to 30, organized by Dwaalzin and Be part of a guided making process within the theme "Borders" to eventually show your work at the Blikkenwerpers exhibition at the end of October!

We are looking for young makers between the ages of 18 and 30 who would like to be part of our Blikkenwerpers exhibition in Broei at the end of October.
Any discipline (visual art, applied art, drama, word, etc) and any level of experience is welcome.
We provide a platform where you can fully do your thing and build your network. We pay back the materials you need to realize your work. This way you can do what you have always wanted to do.
Since this project takes place in Ghent, we are mainly looking for creators residing in Ghent and its surroundings.

4 May 2024