Open Call

Mokuhanga, mon amour!

Moku...what? Mokuhanga, aka Japanese woodcut, is not yet well known to the general public as a medium although many are familiar with Hokusai's iconic sculpture ‘The Great Wave of Kanagawa’. This is something that Mokuhannga Magic!, the artist duo Vladimir Ivaneanu and Soetkin Everaert, urgently want to do something about. 

So we hereby like to call on artists worldwide, who are working with this beautiful and enduring medium, to massively share their Japanese woodcuts via the online platform Beeld. You will show art-loving Flanders and far beyond what can be done with this medium today, you will help us make mokuhanga better known to the general public and who knows, maybe one or more of your works will be selected for extra publication on the curated page ‘Mokublad goes digital #1’ early July 2025 via this form on Beeld and the digital channels of website and social media.

The selected artists for ‘Mokublad goes digital #1’ will also have a chance to be exhibited at the Bries Space in Antwerp in spring 2026. So what are you waiting for? Enroll today!

21 June 2025
Mokuhanga Magic, by Soetkin Everaert & Vladimir Ivaneanu

Submissions can be made until 21 June 2025. The organisers will notify all participants of the selection in the first week of July.

Technical requirements
  • Size of the work is of no importance 
  • You can submit up to 10 different works, preferably send a photo of both the front and back of the work 
  • Only works from the past three years can be part of this collection (from 2021 or more recent) 
  • Resolution and size photos: 300 dpi, full size