
Netka Croonenborghs

Netka Croonenborghs

3581 Beverlo

"My art is as simple and complicated as life itself. Black, white, and all colors in between. Tidy, messy, dull, and exciting. Not choosing the easiest route but the most interesting one."

As a child a was alone a lot and bored. But that taught me to use my imagination and draw and paint all the time. Going to art school at 18 was a logical step.

But only at 45 I finally gave myself “permission” to be called an artist. And now there are no excuses not to create! There is no time left to throw myself into the arms of a proper mid-life crisis!

Master's degree - Fine Arts/Graphic Design: KHLim Media Arts and Design Faculty - Hasselt /Belgium
Meylandt Art Academy - Painting - Heusden Zolder/Belgium

Netka Croonenborghs
Netka Croonenborghs
Netka Croonenborghs
Netka Croonenborghs
Netka Croonenborghs
Netka Croonenborghs
Netka Croonenborghs
Netka Croonenborghs