Eppela - The Missing Piece

Eppela - The Missing Piece

The work started out with experiments mixing my usual drawing style with white-out, which formed firmer and thicker pieces amid almost immaterial swirls of colours. The white-out reminded me of cement, which was crumbling and constantly reconstructed through its mixing with the oil paint.
At the same, time, I experimented with integrating paper tape into my drawings, which again supported this idea of construction, destruction, reconstruction that was also present with the white-out.

At the same time, I was inspired by the idea and images of war-torn Syria, and more specifically Aleppo. I had been following the issue from a distance with a kind of morbid but at the same time concerned interest, like a big part of the Western population. It was a very complex issued that has been tied in with the issues I felt within previous works, and was very frustrated with the way our society dealt with this issue. However, I didn’t feel that as an artists, I could influence this problem.

I decided to translate my own feelings and thoughts of Aleppo into a visual work that tied in with the experiments I had previously done, and which correspond with my ideas. The idea was to translate the colours and forms of Aleppo into abstract impressions, making them into myth-like visions. Aleppo, for me, was a sort of myth, a distant and unknown territory that was inaccessible and which news’ related to it always had a question mark with it: was it true or just a fable?

After evaluation the three works on paper, I decided that it was too superficial to deal with such a prang issue in such an aesthetic way. Instead of shelving the work, I decided to try and open it up to give it a “breaking point” in which the issue of Aleppo, which is dealt with so distantly, suddenly becomes closer. In this process, I ended up with a glitch-video of drone-footage of Aleppo, which is rendered almost unrecognisable and abstract, but yet retain some breaks where the reality breaks through the aestheticization.

3x 100x180cm
Dilum Coppens

Dilum Coppens


Dilum Coppens
Dilum Coppens
Dilum Coppens
Dilum Coppens
Dilum Coppens
Dilum Coppens