ruins and fragments of an eremite

ruins and fragments of an eremite

The installation “ruins and fragments of an eremite” furthers on the ideas in “The Sibylline Dairy”, where meaning is created through the relationship between the audience and the images, where my random associations between the images, text and expressive swirls are lost in translation and explored independently by the viewer.

It is like a fever dream, discovering the totally unlinked realities hidden in the connections between all the elements of the installation.

The installation links Roman ruins and light particles, general theory of relativity and Egyptian queens. The universe begins and ends with everything and nothing, as does the installation. It is a means to fill in the void left by the author, if they wish to do so.

This installation was made as a 3D-model, consisting of realized work and virtually created elements, to visualize the final result. This gives me more artistic license to push beyond what is possible within financial and spacial restrictions while still being able to be executed in real life when the possibility presents itself.

variabele dimensies
Dilum Coppens

Dilum Coppens

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Dilum Coppens
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Dilum Coppens
Dilum Coppens