

The eternal cycle of life and the inexorable passage of time. At the heart of the canvas lies the iconic symbol of Orobouros - an ancient emblem of a serpent devouring its own tail, forming a circle. The animal represents the cyclical nature of existence. Its consumption of its own tail symbolizes the continuous cycle of creation, destruction and rebirth. The timeless dance of the serpent mirrors the perpetual movement of life itself, an unending journey that transcends the boundaries of birth and death.  

The sun, often associated with vitality and energy, serves as a powerful metaphor for the passage of the years … the eternal nature of time.

The sun, as a celestial timekeeper, witnesses the serpent’s continuous cycle, each revolution marking another year in the grand tapestry of existence. 

We are reminded that, much like the serpent and the sun, our lives are part of a larger cosmic dance, a journey that unfolds in an infinite loop.  

Linda Roosens

Linda Roosens


Linda Roosens
Linda Roosens
Linda Roosens
Linda Roosens
Linda Roosens
Linda Roosens
Linda Roosens