Voor Suus

Voor Suus

This artwork consists of an old horse blanket embroidered with horsehair from various equine residents of “De Paardenkamp”. At the heart of the piece is a beautiful poem by my dear friend Frieda de Witte, titled “Voor Suus”.

My goal in embroidering the blanket with hair from different horses was to create a beautiful connection between these elderly animals with diverse pasts. The shedded hair and the blanket are powerful symbols of the changing seasons and the passage of time, representing how these horses have grown older and wiser, and been cared for with love by their previous owners. Additionally, the blanket represents the sense of security and comfort that many people want to provide for their beloved horses, as it is a warm and protective layer that shields the animals from the cold and rain, while also offering a feeling of comfort and safety.

260 x 190 cm
Suzanne Vellema

Suzanne Vellema


Suzanne Vellema