De vrouwen hebben veel te vertellen III, Wortel, Herfst 2021 - The women have a lot to discuss III, Wortel, Autumn 2021

De vrouwen hebben veel te vertellen III, Wortel, Herfst 2021 - The women have a lot to discuss III, Wortel, Autumn 2021

Friday, May 20, 2022

Time flies. The first three days of this week I was away for more than 12 hours every day. It was hard, but I have survived!

I am on top of things with all my tasks already completed and a long weekend ahead of me with even more plans. I have four free days, then two days of work and then another four-day-weekend. All this free time is very welcome, because there are many things that I want to paint. Make more work, ... more, more, more. More versions of more memories.

I started a nice painting of a picture of the walk in Wortel in October 2021. My sister sitting and talking to our girls. And a second image on a yellow background where they are getting up to continue the walk. 

30 op 30 cm
Hilde Goossens

Hilde Goossens