A Tribute to Biodiversity and the question of extinction

A Tribute to Biodiversity and the question of extinction

The work exists of a series of small oil paintings (12.5 x 12.5 cm) in which dried plant material, collected during my biology study, play a pivoting role. Each painting represents a species and the empty paintings or missing paintings in the whole presentation represent the extinction rate (according to the latest observations a rate of 3 species a year).

The work is inspired by the intricate relationship between the tribute we owe to the wonderful diversity of life on earth, the imminent threat of extinction, and the envision of a sustainable future where biodiversity thrives.

Biodiversity loss has reached extreme numbers. Two in five of the world’s plant species are at risk of extinction as a result of anthropogenic factors, from deforestation to pollution and climate change. The loss of each species is not merely an ecological event but also a diminishment of the human experience as diverse ecosystems and their inhabitants underpin our very existence and hold the potential for undiscovered wonders.

I hold the belief that if we become more aware of the intricate connections between our lives and other life forms, our shared values/principles will start to transform. In this very instant, we find ourselves deeply entangled in a process of reshaping the fundamental systems on which we rely to uphold a flourishing planet abundant in biodiversity. As we perceive ourselves as interconnected with global ecosystems and recognize consciousness and free will as inherent aspects of our being, we can choose to relate differently to ourselves, one another, the environment, and the future. Yet, cultivating a deeper awareness and a sense of interconnectedness isn't solely an intellectual endeavor confined to our thoughts; it's a sensation deeply ingrained in our physical selves, bolstered by the feelings, observations, and emotions we experience.

As a biologist I am deeply concerned about the size and emergency of the climate and ecological crisis we are facing right now. A ‘’Tribute to Biodiversity” showcases the abundance of plant species surrounding us while simultaneously presenting the stark reality of extinction's presence. My aspiration is for it to rouse our awareness and sense of interconnection and deliver a message emphasizing the importance of making decisions on behalf of the next generations, to ensure they will enjoy a good life rich in biodiversity.

The paintings are made of many layers of oil paint on different types of paper mounted on wood.

Katleen Van der Gucht

Katleen Van der Gucht


Katleen Van der Gucht
Katleen Van der Gucht
Katleen Van der Gucht