Synchin' Chords/ Sink in Cords

Synchin' Chords/ Sink in Cords

Oils on canvas

The juxtaposition of these two interpretations of the title captures the tension between self-discovery and conformity, personal growth and stagnation.

The duality and wordplay I’ve incorporated into the title serve as a gateway into two contrasting interpretations, both of which convey essential philosophical and metaphysical concepts:

  1. "Synching Chords" - Finding Resonance and Harmony: This interpretation speaks to the idea of self-discovery, self-expression, and the search for inner resonance. The cords covering the face symbolizes the complex threads of thoughts, emotions, experiences, and connections that make up a person's individuality. The act of "synching chords" suggests an attempt to align oneself with these intricate threads, to resonate with the core essence of one's being. It's about embracing authenticity, personal growth, and finding a harmony within oneself and with the world around us.
  2. "Sink in Cords" - Losing Identity in Routine: On the flip side, "sink in cords" conveys a cautionary message about the dangers of losing oneself in the monotonous routines and expectations of society. It suggests the potential to become entangled or consumed by external pressures and influences, leading to a loss of individuality and a sense of being disconnected from one's true self. This interpretation serves as a reminder to stay mindful of how easily we can fall into patterns that may not align with our deeper desires and aspirations.
53x54 cm
Kris Coolens

Kris Coolens