the utopia of prolonged security in the occidental mind

the utopia of prolonged security in the occidental mind

The artist stages a monumental construction made of thin aluminium bars in the form of a globe. This sphere supports numerous transparent umbrellas attached to the meridians, the equator and the arctic and antarctic circles. In the core one can distinguish the sound of a human heartbeat, protected from all sides by the cocoon of umbrellas. What seems to be a solid construction appears vulnerable at closer view: the aluminium is held together by mere adhesive tape and the plastic umbrellas can easily be torn. The bubble appears appealing to the eye, yet it is ready to burst. From another point of view, the pointy umbrella tops represent a threatening line of defence to those trying to enter the paradise of the privileged.

400 x 400 x 400 cm
Mark Swysen

Mark Swysen