Hope for refugees kids

Hope for refugees kids

As a person who has had to flee from her country, her family and most importantly from the place where she belongs because almost all her rights and freedoms have been restricted by the one-man regime in Turkey for years; as someone who has experienced many difficulties and struggled with many pains during this process, I met dozens of refugees and children on this journey, I had the opportunity to closely examine the difficulties they experienced by sharing the same fate at many points with these people from different countries and cultures. And like every artist, I developed a design that represents these experiences in my field. The main purpose of my design is to give hope to refugee children who struggle with many difficulties at a young age.The pattern on the raincoat I designed was inspired by the wooden door motif, one of the objects in the Collection van De Genteenaar. In this way, I aim to bring history to the present and to symbolize the door to hope. The best way to support children who have to leave their countries and help them to flourish again in other geographies is to open a door of hope. For this reason, I chose yellow, the color of hope and the pattern which lies on the two separate wings of a big historical door. I am in search of a sponsor to bring this project to life and give them.

Belkiza ‘Alitheia’ Ocak

Belkiza ‘Alitheia’ Ocak