Once Upon a Time...

Once Upon a Time...

This piece was part of the work “Hubo Una Vez...” / "Once Upon a Time... ". This project speaks about the fact that as human beings we consider ourselves rational, logical, knowledgeable. We believe we have the ability to differentiate ourselves from other living beings. Yet, humans are also just one more animal and thus our superiority can be questioned, especially since our technology that is seen as progress (and superiority)  damages the balance. We damage ourselves and we damage nature. The piece in the photos consist of a cage made of animal bones that were found on the streets. I was worried of seeing animals dying on the cities, because their bodies are not easily integrated again to the ground, so they are damaged by cars, people, etc. 

Laura C. Peña

Laura C. Peña


Laura C. Peña
Laura C. Peña
Laura C. Peña
Laura C. Peña