THÉRÈSE (Maya Hawke)

THÉRÈSE (Maya Hawke)

background: sea anemones front: Appaloosa, red house, (the first) Shelby Cobra, a net, space astronaut helmet, Thèrèse dreaming, white kitten

Thérèse is painted in a revealing position (Balthus) symbolising how girls are being sexualised from a very young age and about how that influences the way they think about themselves and other girls. Highlighting how girls and women are being shamed in general. This painting depicts innocence and being yourself. But it's all a dream because the colours are off and the surrounding don't make much sense. It's about how we lose ourselves when growing up because of society and being sexualised (so you lose touch with your inner child) but when we dream we rediscover ourselves. It's hard to be yourself when you are very different from others, so you flee into your mind and dreams. And also just trying to be yourself but being ashamed of yourself because of societal standards and the male gaze.

42 x 30
Kimberly Casier

Kimberly Casier


Kimberly Casier
Kimberly Casier
Kimberly Casier
Kimberly Casier
Kimberly Casier
Kimberly Casier
Kimberly Casier