Quatre Mains / Zonder Handen

Quatre Mains / Zonder Handen

Handgebonden kunstenaarsboek in editie van 10 exemplaren.

Quatre Mains / Zonder Handen

After my father suddenly died, I started to empty his house and found a box of old polaroids. They had been taken in the 90's, on several construction sites he had worked on as an electrical engineer. I knew right away that I had to do something with them, so I started creating images, very much inspired by my father's Polaroids. Gradually, this homage turned into an independent work, into something of my own, but still clearly reminiscent of his photos.

I made little installations with objects that I found in his house. I photographed them in the same matter-of-fact way my father had used for his Polaroids.
I tried to show the the reality and materiality of my constructions in a sober and unsentimental way: nothing in my pictures has been manipulated, this way I create a bridge between what was his and what became mine.
The first part of the title refers to a four handed piano play : Can you make music together with someone who is no longer there? Both at the same instrument, but each within your own color and range? The second part of the title refers to the moment when a child frees her or his hands : "Look, I can do it without hands !(Zonder Handen means “hands free!") .

Stephanie  Lamoline

Stephanie Lamoline